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Mark Clan War [ SHUT UP BITCH TEAM ]

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Mark Clan War [ SHUT UP BITCH TEAM ] Empty Mark Clan War [ SHUT UP BITCH TEAM ]

Mensagem  sub@rick Sáb Fev 16, 2013 11:03 pm

Clan Name / Clan Tag: Name: Shut up Bitch - Tag: sub@ and sub.
Website: http://subteam.forumais.com/
Date & Time: Segunda-Feira ás 18:00 da noite.
Contact (Xfire): rickdell - Skype: kaic_deel
Server: core.rocksbrasil.com.br:7778 ( Version 0.3e )
Rounds: 9


Line up (5vs5 minimum 4 vs 4)
No cheating or illigal modifications as CLEO mods or .ifp mods
No driveby, helikill.
No explosion exploiting to cause damage and use the explosion to damage the Other team.
Cbug allowed and fast reload. All other bugs not allowed.
Walking weapons.
Weapon limits: 1 sniper and 1 spas per team.
If someone crash/Timeout pause the round till he return or a sub is brought in.
CP 30 Seconds
Ping limit: 400
No flaming.
Random bases.
Bugs: C-Bug allowed, No Knife bugs or Wall Knifes. No Map bugs.


Mensagens : 1
Data de inscrição : 16/02/2013

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